After creating and testing WordPress using XAMPP now you are ready to host a free WordPress website. Even though you can create a free WordPress site at, customizing the site is difficult. Therefore it is best to host your own WordPress site.
- First you have to create a free hosting account. Click here or click on the banner below to create an account in 000webhost
If you are willing to use a paid hosting account click on the banner below or visit Hostinger for an premium hosting option.
- Enter the required details and finish the signup process.
- Verify your email address before proceeding.
- Click on manage website
- Here you can simply install WordPress or you can install WordPress manually by uploading required files.
- In this tutorial we will upload the WordPress files and configure the site manually.
Upload WordPress Files
- Download the latest WordPress release if you haven’t done it already.
- Click on UPLOAD NOW to open the file manager.
- Click on Upload Files Button to open the select files window.
- Select WordPress zip file and click open.
- Click UPLOAD to upload the WordPress zip
- After uploading finished, right click on the WordPress zip file and select Extract
- Provide a folder name and click Extract.
- After Extraction is finished close the extract window and enter into the wordpress folder which is inside the folder you created in the earlier step.
- Select all the files and folders in the wordpress folder and right click and select Move.
- Click on Change button in the window opened.
- Then click on public_h… in the next window.
- Click on the SELECT THIS ( There are two SELECT THIS buttons, click on the button in the bottom of the window)
- Then Click on MOVE
- After files are moved click on public_html in the left side bar.
- If you have successfully completed all the above steps, folder view should be as follows.
Note : wp folder shown in the above image is the folder we used for extracting WordPress zip
Create MySQL Database
- Now you have to configure MySQL database
- Go to the dashboard of your website and click on Manage Database.
- Then click on New Database
- Enter required information and click Create. (Note down the details you entered)
Note: 000webhost is appending a suffix id to both DB Name and DB User. Be sure to use them with suffix in the following steps.
Install WordPress
- Now we have created the MySQL database and uploaded the required files, it’s time to start installing WordPress. (Following steps are similar to steps you followed to install WordPress in XAMPP.)
- Got to the URL we created when we first sign up. You can find it in the Dashboard.
- This will take you to the WordPress Installation Page. Select your language and click Continue.
- Click Let’s go in the next page.
- Enter the required information and click Submit.
- Click Run the Install in the next page.
- Provide the required information and click Install
- After installation finished click on Log in button to go to login page.
- Enter your username and password you entered in previous steps to login. You can visit this page by entering URL <your_website_name>
- Congratulations! Now you have successfully setup a free WordPress website in your host.